Photo | @jillcoursenphoto
1. What is your business & why that field / service/ product?
We are the directors of GEL Lashes Canada, a revolutionary new lash lifting system that lifts, curls, and tints the natural lashes while nourishing and strengthening them. We love this product because its keratin and silk peptide infused formula enhance your natural lashes and encourages healthy lash growth. There is no damage/stress to your lashes.
2. What inspired you to start your own business?
We both had corporate jobs that were draining and unfulfilling.. We have been friends for over 18 years, and both wanted to explore/travel more. We both love beauty and wanted to build something new and exciting together! (IG: @gellashescanada)
Tammy went in to lashing 6 years ago because she has always been obsessed with lashes. She used to write a beauty blog dedicated to reviewing mascaras, and found the market was lacking products that truly enhanced the lashes perfectly. (IG: @lash.bish@keravielashloft)
Natalia got in to permanent makeup because she always valued natural beauty and hoped to find a way to empower people to feel beautiful from the moment they wake up. (IG:
3. Do you have a go to quote / motto
Keep your head, heart and lashes lifted!
4. What’s a personal goal of yours to accomplish? (time frame?)
We are both opening up our own shops!
Tammy – opening up her own shop, Keravie Lash Loft at Kingway Garden Mall on Sep 3.
Natalia – securing a space to grow Studio N this year.
5. Do you have a professional goal or set of goals for your business?
We want to help people feel confident and carefree, while empowering them to take charge of their life and chase their dreams. For our students, we want to provide them with the best tools possible to be successful and strong business owners.
6. Why do you love being an entrepreneur?
Because we love travelling, the ability to set our own hours and go on adventures whenever we want is probably the first and foremost reason! Secondly, we are both extremely type A and love bossing each other around haha
7. Did you ever have a time where you wanted to give up? How did you overcome that feeling?
We are both super motivated and have super high expectations of ourselves, so sometimes when things don't turn out as well as we had hoped, we both work together on staying positive and figuring out how to improve and tackle the obstacles in our way. Beating yourself up or worrying without formulating a plan is just a waste of energy, so we try to avoid that at all costs.
8. Whats your best boss babe moment? (First moment of reassurance).
When we first saw the look of happiness and joy on a client who didn’t even know she had lashes! Also, the positive feedback from our students was incredible!
Photo | @jillcoursenphoto
9. What platform do you find most success / interaction from? (IE. Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook).
10. Work-life Balance: What you do you do to destress? What is your must-have moment of the day (me time)?
We both have an unhealthy obsession with sushi, Little Caesars, puppies and long baths. Ok, but seriously, exercise and learning to laugh at yourself go a long way.
11. What are you looking to learn from other YEGBOSSBABES in the community?
EVERYTHING! We have had the fortune of meeting people who continually inspire and motivate us to be better, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Natalia & Tammy