#MOMBOSS | Kaitlin - The Real MamapreNeur
I have 2 girls; one sassy high maintenance 8 year old (Lily ) who I am pretty sure is secretly 15 years old.. god help me, and one chill, very low maintenance 10 month old (Elena).. except when teething, God help me again!
I run a Digital Affiliate Marketing business where I help others learn to run a successful business online through social media, that I get to do from home so I can stay home with my girls and travel full time!
Because my girls think they need to be up so early, I have to get up earlier… 6am is a sleep in. I need to get most of my work done before they wake up, or it doesn’t seem to get done.
Nap time is where I squeeze in sales calls, video recordings, and host online meetings.. and if I’m lucky I can fold 3 or 4 pieces of laundry from that basket that’s been sitting at the end of the bed for the last week.
I read somewhere that multi-tasking is counterproductive, whoever wrote that wasn’t a mother, and certainly wasn’t a mother who ran a business.
I was also once told that black leggings weren't the only type of pants in the world.. hmm, who knew?
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle and being a mom, driving kids to swim lessons, dance class, and keeping my house at a mid level cleanliness, I always make sure that I am taking care of myself, it’s crucial to exercise and get out of the house, and get my littles outta the house too. I am so grateful for GoodLife Fitness having a daycare in their gym, I get an hour to myself and, I don’t know what I would do without it! https://www.goodlifefitness.com/locations/alberta/st-albert
And on other days where the gym is a no go and I just need to unwind, get on the same level as some other mamas, I hit up mom and baby yoga at Lahari Yoga www.lahariyoga.ca/.