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Soulful Sunday: Navigating Mindfulness and Meditation in a Boss Babe Work Life | EVENT RECAP

Written by: Elisa Valade, Community Outreach Ambassador at YEG BOSS BABES

On Sunday, May 5 we held our second Soulful Sunday speaker series focusing on meditation and mindfulness in a boss babe work life. We’ve teamed up with the Wellness Warrior and Momentum Walk-in Counselling to launch this series in early 2019, with the goal of empowering women through wellness discussions with leading experts in an interactive panel style event. 

Whether we are talking about meditation and mindfulness, coping with stress in the workplace, clean eating on the run, or tips for motivation and time management, the purpose is to create a supportive and non-judgmental space for women to come together and have intimate, soulful conversations. Our hope is that you leave with knowledge and inspiration that fuels your soul and helps you chase after your goals. 

Our Panel

Jamie Bay, Owner of The Wellness Warrior and Head of Wellness at YEG Boss Babes, facilitated our amazing panel of women on Sunday, which included: 

Mandy Trapp, Founder and Lead Educator at Lifestyle Meditation

Kim Knull, Registered Psychologist and Founder of Momentum Walk-In Counselling

Laurie Kellough, Director of Marketing at ATB; and
Shannon Droeske, Meditation and Mindfulness Coach and the Founder of the In-Purpose Brand

Our soulful discussion included a series of questions answered by our panel members through their expertise, personal stories and experiences. 

Takeaways from our Meditation + Mindfulness Experts

Find your Point of Focus:

For many of us, the goal of meditating for 5, 10, 20 minutes can feel overwhelming. Even if we’ve created a calm space with no distractions, often it’s only a matter of minutes before our mind is racing with thoughts about our to-do list, what happened at work last week, and everything in between. Our experts’ advice: find your point of focus. Whether that is a mantra to repeat to yourself (it can be as simple as: I breathe in calm, I release anxiety) or staying focused on your breath as you inhale for 3 counts, and exhale for 5 counts. 

Having a point of focus is what keeps those pesky thoughts at bay and helps to settle your mind into a state of calm.  

Consistency is the Key:

Your mind is like a muscle; you have to exercise it in order for it to become stronger. Similar to a new exercise routine or the start of a new meal plan, for the practice of meditation to be effective, you have to show up. You must put in the work. Recognize that this work might look different for everyone, and there is no right or wrong way to incorporate meditation into your lifestyle. A few tips to set you up for success:

  • Attend guided meditation classes (we highly recommend Lifestyle Meditation)

  • Wake up half an hour early to integrate it into your morning routine 

  • Create a space that inspires you. Incorporate the things that help you settle into a state of calm, whether that includes candle or essential oils, comfy pillows, natural sunlight – create that space that you can come back to consistently. 

Get Creative with your Time:

As we said, consistency is the key! But our experts know, all too well, that in a busy boss babe world, sometimes that consistency does not look like a set daily routine. Life is busy on a day-to-day basis, but whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder, building an empire, or a mom boss taking care of little ones, there is always a moment to disconnect with your surroundings and reconnect with yourself – sometimes, we just need to get a little creative!  Our experts recommend that you look for those golden moments where you can drop what you’re doing (for example, when you notice the kids are sleeping in the car seat) to just turn inward for a few minutes. Start watching for these golden moments regularly, and, over time, you’ll notice they pop up more often than you thought. Remember, the ultimate goal is to slow down and connect with yourself. Prioritize that quality time with YOU, even if it’s just for a few minutes. A little can go a long way! 

You are not Alone

As we wrap up Mental Health Week, The YEG Boss Babes want to lovingly remind you that if you are struggling, you are not alone and you don’t have to go through your struggles alone. There are resources available to support you; there are friends, family, and experts that want to connect with you, hear your story and help you find ease in your struggle. We encourage you to reach out! For more information on resources visit https://www.momentumcounselling.org/

Special Thank you’s

To our panelists

Riviera Liquor

Lifestyle Meditation

Dive Thru

The Creative Hive

Wellness Warrior

Elisa Valade

Christina Bolstad

Jocelyn Davidson