Karen Romero - Krome Mental Health Consulting

Hey, I'm Karen from Krome Mental Health Consulting. We offer workshops on any topic related to mental health for youth and adults.

Hey, I'm Karen from Krome Mental Health Consulting. We offer workshops on any topic related to mental health for youth and adults.

Karen Romero
(780) 504 4222



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Sheila Bell - Sheila Bell Brands

I'm Sheila Bell, your brand-building photographer and online educator! Entrepreneurship is not for whimps.

I'm Sheila Bell, your brand-building photographer and online educator! Entrepreneurship is not for whimps. I get it . All the hats... just one head.

I help growing and scaling entrepreneurs take their brand from now to "WOW!" with a step by step process that provides tools to increase clarity,  instil confidence and create intentional content you need so you can show up online and market like a pro!  I do this through online education, in person trainings, events, and free tutorial videos.
I especially love to work with entrepreneurs who feel their online presence is "all over the map" or a bit of a mess, and they don't know why.  

I  also partner with personal and commercial brands where we envision, plan and style photography sessions that result in professional, intentional images.
My clients receive a fun, professional experience resulting in brand-building images to attract their ideal clients to their business.

Sheila Bell

Edmonton, Alberta



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Ashley Tichkowsky - Ashley Tichkowsky Real Estate

I’m a boy mama, love sharing my daily antics on instagram & can usually be found walking my dog, perfecting my tennis game or my freestyle swim stroke then sitting with my laptop and black coffee finding the next home for my clients!

I’m a boy mama, love sharing my daily antics on instagram & can usually be found walking my dog, perfecting my tennis game or my freestyle swim stroke then sitting with my laptop and black coffee finding the next home for my clients!

In all seriousness, I  love the challenge of helping people sell their home while buying their new home. To streamline the process I created my M3 Method:  Move Out, Move UP, Move easy.  It's all in one guide to get you moving from point A to Z as seamlessly as possible.  

There is so much to Real Estate, and I am here to be your guide no matter what your goals are.  I  look forward to connecting.

Ashley Tichkowsky

(780) 940-4582

#203, 14101 West Block Dr NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5N 1L5



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