Having to create a linear path to follow, cause “choose your own adventure” doesn’t work well for personal development books, was a blessing. And it gave me a framework to turn my book into a course.
It’s been 6 months since the book launch and that had me reminiscing this morning about how much changes in a year. Last year at this time, I was in editing.
We made it through NOvember! Which means that Christmas is sneaking up on some of us - hello shopping list! And the rest of us have had our trees up since November 1st (*cough cough*).
Do you know what drives me absolutely nuts? When a process isn’t going how I want it to go, or planned for it to go, but I have no control.
Last month we dove into the REAL story behind what writing a book is like. And I promised you that we would get past making the decision and figuring out “why?” Well, that and into the time, tears, and imposter syndrome…
Fire-up, Fulfilled, And Free Author Juli Wenger is sharing her story becoming an author and the good, bad and ugly she endured during this process of evolution.