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MAD LOVE MONDAY | EMMA - Pretty As A Picture Photography

What is your business & why that field / service/ product?

I bring courage, confidence and authenticity to women’s everyday lives, and I do that primarily through the art of boudoir photography and self love advocacy. 

What inspired you to start your own business? 

In 2011, my hubby and I moved to Canada from England, leaving my career as a Police Officer. I knew it was time for me to start something new. I am very creative and independent so I think I was naturally drawn to creating something of my own. Also, my parents were business owners, as well as my Grandpa and his father (I’m not entirely sure how far back it goes), so it is just a part of me. Photography has been in my life since I was 7 years old and Graphic Design was my best subject at school, so my new career just had to be something to do with art. And that’s how Pretty as a Picture Photography was born. 

Do you have a go to quote / motto? 

I have so many favourite quotes and mottos. 

“Be beautiful, be confident, be YOU” is my own motto, but I love anything Audrey Hepburn or Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

I like to follow Arnie’s 6 rules of success...

1. Trust yourself. 

2. Break some rules. 

3. Don’t be afraid to fail. 

4. Ignore the naysayers. 

5. Work like hell. 

6. Give something back. 

And one of my current favourites is “when you are your authentic self, you have no competition“

What’s a personal goal of yours to accomplish? (time frame?) 

My hubby and I have a lofty goal of paying our total mortgage by 2028 instead of 2041. 

Do you have a professional goal or set of goals for your business? 

I am a natural dreamer, so I’m always thinking up new things and envisioning what my future looks like. For my business, I dream of having the ‘perfect’ studio which basically means renovating my current space (in Stony Plain) or potentially moving to a more modern space. I will also be growing my team, starting with a personal assistant, hopefully by the end of 2019. My goal for this year is to impact and empower over 100 women with boudoir. 

Why do you love being an entrepreneur? 

I love the flexibility, the freedom of time and the creativity. Some days I get to work at home in my pyjamas and no makeup. Sometimes, I’m dressed up in the fanciest dress and up-do. I get to meet lots of like minded people and chat about my passion of helping women. And I get to create different ways (beyond boudoir) of making that happen. 

Did you ever have a time where you wanted to give up? How did you overcome that feeling? 

I am approaching 8 years in business and not once have I wanted to give up. My whole heart is in my business and my vision is to big to quit now. My years in business haven’t been the most successfully financial times of my life, but the successes in other areas keep me going, as well as the support from my hubby and my absolute determination. I started off doing all the photography you can imagine, but it wasn’t serving me. Instead of giving up though, I focused on my true passion...boudoir, and encouraging women to burst out of their comfort zone and into their confidence!

Whats your best boss babe moment? (First moment of reassurance). 

Last year, one of my clients was asked who was her role model. She said me. It definitely brought a tear to my eye, and reassurance that whatever I am doing is making a difference and an impact, slowly but surely. 

What platform do you find most success / interaction from? (IE. Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook). 

I would say that I get way more interaction on Facebook, but Instagram is a close second. As well as my business page, I have a private Facebook Group for boudoir beauties (past, present and future) or for anyone else just wanting a safe and comfortable group to share their thoughts and feelings, and a place to get motivated into practicing self love. 

Work-life Balance: What you do you do to destress? What is your must-have moment of the day (me time)? 

Every morning, I try to read a chapter of a book before I start my day. Sometimes it’s a business book (learning) and sometimes it’s a novel (usually romance, but sometimes mystery or true crime). I also love to escape in the art of pole. I have been doing pole dance classes since summer 2018 and absolutely love it. Its so empowering!

What are you looking to learn from other YEG BOSS BABES in the community? 

I am always looking to learn more, especially about successful marketing and sales tips. But most of all, I like the idea of having a community of like minded women (boss babes) to chat with, and see where the conversation organically goes to. I also like the idea of the workshops, even though I haven’t been able to make it to any yet. 

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